How to contact Freire Charter High School Emotional Support:
Contact Mr. J. Email jeremy.ross@freirecharterschool.org.
How to sign up for therapy:
Students can sign up for therapy by emailing Mr. J (jeremy.ross@freirechaterschool.org) and Ms. Becka (rebekah.phillips@freirecharterschool.org), or by visiting the Emotional Support office during school hours. Our office is located by the nurse’s office on the basement level.
Other ways to get help:
You can contact us via this online form: https://tinyurl.com/ContactEmoSupport
If it’s an emergency…
Call 911 or contact one of the following hotlines:
Mental health crisis:
- National Suicide Hotline: 1-800-273-8255
- Philadelphia Suicide Crisis and Prevention Hotline: 215-686-4420
- National Crisis Text Line: Text “HOME” to 741741
- Trevor Project Hotline and website (crisis support for LGBTQ youth): 1-866-488-7386 or https://www.thetrevorproject.org/ (online counseling available at website)
Domestic violence:
- Women Against Abuse Domestic Violence Hotline: 1-866-723-3014
Sexual harm:
- WOAR 24-hour hotline: 215-985-3333
Housing emergency:
- Emergency housing (17 years old and younger): 1-800-371-SAFE (Youth Emergency Services)
- Emergency housing (18+): 215-951-5411 (Covenant House)
Free meals:
- School district list of places to pick up free, shelf-stable meals (Monday-Friday, 9am-12pm): https://www.phila.gov/2020-03-14-find-free-meals-and-safe-spaces-for-students-while-schools-are-closed/