Every student has an Academic Advisor at Freire. The job of the academic advisor is to support students in their academic growth by following student progress on a regular basis, communicating with a student’s parent/guardian in times of concern, helping to link students to the extra help and support centers Freire has available to all students, and helping to ensure that the staff at school and parents at home are doing all we can to support our students’ academic success.
Please feel free to contact your student’s Academic Advisor at any time with questions, or just to stay in touch about your student’s progress.
Academic Advisors

Lauren Plaxa
215-557-8555 x3917
Director of College Counseling
9th Grade Academic Advisor

Sarah Magaziner
Academic Advisor

Jane Lawson
215-557-8555 x3913
11th Grade Academic Advisor

Demetria Wright
215-557-8555 x3918
12th Grade Academic Advisor / College Counselor